How to achieve high levels of precision in the ingredient Dosing process?

How to achieve high levels of precision in the ingredient Dosing process?

At Clivio Solutions we offer High Quality and Technology ingredient Dosing equipment that exists on the market: Jesma Micro-dosing System. Currently vitamins, nutrients and ingredients amounts, are increasingly important and they must necessarily be fulfilled, because an excess or lack of these can generate serious health problems in animals and pets, and they will impact in the final product quality. Jesma is a Danish Company, with more than 100 years of experience. It is specialist in the design, development, production and sale of industrial scales and solutions for static, dynamic and continuous weighing. All their equipment is designed and manufactured to offer reliability and ease of use. The scales are designed to handle weighing capacities from 1 Kg/h to more than 2000 ton/h. In many pet food, aqua feed and animal feed industries, the bottleneck is the dosing process. How can this process be optimized? Option number 1: Replace the single macro-midi scale with a Double Hopper scale. The advantage of this solution is that you can perform two operations at the same time: dosing into the weighing container (each ingredient dosed one by one) and at the same time emptying the subsequent container afterwards. The time saved by this solution is approximately 40 to 70 seconds, which is the equivalent to the time it takes to empty the macro / midi scale and transfer the batch to the next step. In most cases, this solution will also improve dosing accuracy. Option number 2: Install small scales on top of the single hopper scale. This allows the dosing of more than one ingredient at a time, which reduces the dosing time and at the same time improves the dosing precision of the ingredient. The time saved by this solution is approximately 10 to 15 seconds, for each small single ingredient scale installed. What do you achieve with the installation of a Micro-dosing System? A Jesma Micro, Midi or Macro dosing System will allow you to dose ingredients with different consistencies and densities with high levels of precision. Especially the Nano and Micro dosing System work with a very high level of precision of up +/- 0,5 grams. It is possible to dose any type of materials with easy flowing and also for those ingredients with bad or poor fluidity, due to their features. The right dosage will not only positively impact the health and welfare of the animal, but also the product, thus influencing the economy and reputation of the feed manufacturer. In the following video you will see how Jesma equipment works, dosing very precisely and achieving great results: Your questions are welcome and at CLIVIO SOLUTIONS we are always at your disposal and interested in helping you.