Loss in Weight System
The Loss in Weight (LIW) System is a equipment designed by Jesma especially for the continuous dosing of ingredients or additives with high dynamic precision.
The equipment, which is electronic, operates through repetitive static weighing of the hopper to determine and regulate the flow and gradual feeding of the material to the conditioner - extruder. The relationship between the weight loss and the speed of the discharge screw are what direct the dosage speed together with the load cells.
With the LIW, an exact weighing and dosage is obtained despite fluctuations and changes in the density of the material, which depends, among other variables, on the height of the product in the hopper.
Together with Jesma we offer five JesLIW models depending on the needs of the process: 300, 1000, 2000, 3500 and 5000.
The capacity range is from 200 to 30,000 kilograms per hour and the accuracy is between 0.3 and 1%.